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Justyna Kuklo

was born in eastern Poland, where she learned the traditional craft of weaving at an arts high school. She was then seduced by the sea and moved to Gdansk to discover painting, colors, and fine arts. Having become a painter, illustrator, and teacher, she traveled further to the center of Europe. She settled down in Brussels and is now whiling away her time on Belgian lace. She graduated from the Gdansk Academy of Fine Arts (The Faculty of Painting and Artistic Education) and the Academie Royale des Beaux-Arts de Bruxelles (The Faculty of Textile Arts). She has exhibited in Poland (The Baltic Sea Cultural Centre in Gdansk), the Czech Republic (Tinna B festival), France (Musée d'art moderne Saint-Étienne), and Belgium (Brussels Home - Fashion & Lace Museum; Brass Cultural Centre; Affordable Art Fair). She works as a graphic designer, artistic director, and illustrator of "PSTRYK MYK" – a magazine for Polish kids abroad.  

Justyna Kuklo lives and works in Brussels.

foto. Wiktor Dabkowski


2009-2010   Master Tapisserie - art textile, Academie Royale des Beaux-Arts de Bruxelles, Belgium

2003-2009   Master of art, Academy of Fine Arts in Gdansk, The Department of Painting and Illustration, Poland 

2002-2007  Bachelor of Artistic Education, Academy of Fine Art in Gdansk, completed with the highest note, Poland

1997-2002   Artistic Highschool, Suprasl, diploma work with the highest grade, Poland

Prizes and honors

2010 - Prix du Legs Serrure for part of the project « BIA-      GDA-BRU »Brussels, Belgium

2009 - Nomination in the national competition for the best artistic Diploma work of the year in the painting category Poland

2009 - Diploma with the honorary mention, Academy Of Fine Arts Gdańsk, The Department Of Painting

2007 - First prize in the show category for a performance  made by an artistic group Plaj in Poland and participation iThe  Biennale of Young  Artists from Europe and  Mediterranean Countries Barii, Italy 2008

2006-2008  A scholarship from the Ministry Of Culture in Poland for best results


2024 - Participation in Brussels Art Factory "Parcours d'Artistes Saint-Gilles ", Bruxelles, Belgium

2024 - Affordable Art Fair, Tour de Taxi, Brussel, Belgium

2023 - Participation in Brussels Art Factory "Parcours d'Artistes Saint-Gilles ", Bruxelles, Belgium

2023 - Affordable Art Fair, Tour de Taxi, Brussel, Belgium

2022 - Participation in Brussels Art Factory "Parcours d'Artistes Saint-Gilles ", Bruxelles, Belgium

2022 - Affordable Art Fair, Tour de Taxi, Brussel, Belgium

2021 - Participation in exhibition during"55es Fêtes de la Saint-Martin", Tourinnes-la-Grosse, Belgium

2021 - Affordable Art Fair, Tour de Taxi, Brussel, Belgium

2021 - Monat gallery Participation in the group exhibition, Madrid, Spain

2021 - Participation in Monaco Art Fair represented by Monat Galery. 

2019 - Affordable Art Fair, Tour de Taxi, Brussel, Belgium

2019 - Participation in the group exhibition "We are artist", Brussel, Belgium

2018 - Affordable Art Fair, Tour de Taxi, Brussel, Belgium

2018 - Participation in the group exhibition "Exponential / Brussels Art Factory + Guests" in  De Kruitfabriek, Brussel, Belgium

2018 - Participation in the group exhibition "FULL HOUSE - by BAF" in Valle, Brussel, Belgium

2016 - Participation in "OFF Course Young Contemporary ART FAIR" Brussel, Belgium

2015 - Solo Textile exhibition in Galery Slendzinskich, Białystok, Poland 

2015 - Participation in the group exhibition "La carte blanche" in BRASS Centre Culture la Forest, Brussel, Belgium

 in the group exhibition"Au Participation2014 but du fil" Galerie du Beffroi, Namur, Belgium

2014-15 - Participation in the group exhibition "Local Line 16" in the International Museum of Modern and Contemporary St. Etienne, France

2014 - Participation in the group exhibition "Inne" Galery Platon, Wrocław, Poland

2014 - Parcours d'Artistes Molenbeek, Bruxelles, Belgium

2014 - Participation in Brussels Art Factory // Parcours d'Artistes Saint-Gilles / 2014  Bruxelles, Belgium

2014- Exhibition in ART CAFE "Lord Byron" Bruxelles, Belgium 

2013 - Participation in the group exhibition Borderline A la salle Fabry, Hôtel Communal, Bruxelles, Belgium

2012 - Participation in the group exhibition  Artist for artists 'Bath Ladies' in CSW Łaźnia Gdańsk, Poland

2011 - Participation In festival Tina.B The Prag Contemporary Art Festival, with the project  'The Pixel as a deconstruction of nature  Prag, Czech Republic

2011 - Organization and participation In festival Swelina Otwarty Kurort Kultury In Sopot, Poland with Project 'Pixel as the  deconstruction' during Polish Presidency  in  Europen Union,  Poland

2011 - Exhibition during open days in  Academie Royale des Beaux-Arts de Bruxelles, with project « Bi-Gda-Bru » Belgium

2011 - "INTERLACING" group exhibition Masters students from the tapestry/textile art workshop of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts of Brussels (Professor Yole Devaux). Fashion & Lace Museum, Brussels

2011 - Participation with project « Bi-Gda-Bru » during open days in  Academie Royale des Beaux-Arts de Bruxelles, Belgium

2011 - BIA-GDA-BRU Individual exhibition In Zak Galery in  Gdańsk, Poland

2011 - Participation in the group exhibition  Artist for artists 'Bath Ladies' in CSW Łaźnia Gdańsk, Poland

2010 - Individual exhibition In Nadbałtyckie Centrum Kultury'  Internal Sanctuary', Gdańsk, Poland

2009 - Performance in  Teatr w oknie Female crafts with  Agnieszka Gajewska, Gdańsk, Poland

2009 - Exhibition  "Women" in Od czasu do czasu gallery in Gdynia (with  A.Gajewska), Poland

2009 - Participation In The Internacional Festival of Dance, Korporacja tańca, performance PLAJ, Gdańsk, Poland

2009 - Performance 'U TUBE PLAJ' In Teatr w Oknie Gdańsk, Gdańsk

2009 - Street Waves Festival Performance PLAJ  with Jacaszek, Gdańsk, Poland

2009 - Galeria Refektarz w Kartuzach exhibition of a PLAJ group, Poland

2009 - Participation In Project Museums NightsTranskrypcje, Gdańsk, Poland

2008-  Exhibition « Tapisseries contemporaries Europeans, 5 Ecoles Superieure des arts » Belgium

2008 - Erasmus exhibition in  Academie Royale des Beaux-Arts de Bruxelles, Belgium

2007 - Participation in the 2 Coast Triennial Artists  "Prof.  W. Cygan and students", exhibition, Pałac Opatów Gdańsk, Poland

Productions Associées asbl, Rue Coenraets 72 - 1060 – Bruxelles, TVA : BE 0896.755.397

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