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My work is inspired by the feeling of melancholy, the change of seasons, VOGUE Magazine, and the poem "Blue Bell" by Emily Bronte:
“The bluebell is the sweetest flower
That waves in summer air;
Its blossoms have the mightiest power
To soothe my spirit's care..."
hiding nr.1
oil on the canvas 71x100cm
girl with buble glass
81cmx60cm oil on the canvas
men peeling lemons
140cmx90cm oil on the canvas
black vase
100x73cm oil on the canvas
blue bouquet
oil on the canvas 100x100cm
reflexion/table nr.1
oil on the canvas 71x100cm
reflexion nr.2
oil on the canvas 71x100cm
hiding nr.2
oil on the canvas 71x100cm
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